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Math & Maps____________________________________________


Offered for K-2nd only for 2018-2019.  Map work will be incorporated into the history classes for other grade levels.  


This class is a variation of our 2016-2017 Classical Studies class.  We will continue to post the timeline song and Latin words as optional supplements to morning time.  The timeline cards will be used in Humanities, focusing on Christendom.  

In the "Math" portion of this class, K-5th students will work to master basic math facts (addition and subtraction) to appropriately supplement each family’s chosen math curriculum.   Because this is not a full math program,  it is necessary  to work through a curriculum with your child at home (recommendations available upon request).   


In the “Maps” portion of the class, students will learn to draw parts of the world map, labeling continents, oceans, countries, and landforms.  Map and globe skills will be taught in an engaging classroom environment.



Zoology (K-6th)


  • To Be Announced  

  • Nature journal, provided by Heritage and billed to your account,  $10

Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. Join us for an exciting adventure into the world of living things!  In class, we will take an in-depth look at the five kingdoms, with special focus on the animal kingdom: mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles, and arthropods.  Each class will include discussion and a hands on lab. We will dissect organisms, grow bacteria, play with fruit flies, hatch chicks, observe tadpoles as they turn into frogs, sample soil, test water, experiment with plants, build a bird feeder, dig through owl pellets, and much more.  You might want to order tadpoles at home or invest in an ant or ladybug farm this summer.


This class will have a strong emphasis on nature journaling which develops two of the most important scientific skills: observation and documentation. Learning to really see is a skill that must be learned and practiced.  Be sure to plan time every week to get outside and look around. Charlotte Mason said, "Never be within doors when you can rightly be without."  


As we study together, we will gain an even deeper understanding of our amazing Creator who has made all things well, and who has given us a role in taking care of the things He has made. We can say with the psalmist, “O Lord, how many are your works!  In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” Psalm 104:24.


Astronomy (K-7th)* (offered 2017-2018, not offered in 2019-2020)  


  • Exploring Creation with Astronomy Textbook (Apologia), one per family*

  • The Stars, a New Way to See Them, by H.A. Rey, one per family*

  • Book of Astronomy, Student book, Memoria Press.  One per student*  

  • Journal and planisphere- provided by Heritage.  $5 charge per student will be added to your September bill*.  


*Book purchase and homework completion are optional for K-2nd students.  

Why is the sky blue?  How does Jupiter protect Earth?  Is Pluto a planet?  How big is our galaxy?  What constellations can we see in our sky?  Are the planets visible without a microscope?  Through this study of astronomy, students will learn the answers to these questions and many more.  They will begin to understand and admire the order, principles, beauty, and intricacy of God’s creation. This course covers the night sky constellations, the sun, the moon, space rocks, stars and galaxies, and the eight planets with special focus on Earth.  Each weekly class will consist of a brief teaching timeand a hands-on-lab (including making a lunar calendar, a ½ mile wide scale model of our galaxy, radar mapping, GPS exploration, volcanoes, rocket launching, and much more).  Students will create their own Astronomy notebook with nature journal entries and favorite information.  Find out through in-depth study why the psalmist wrote in Psalm 19: 1,  “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”

Our Grammar level and early Dialectic sciences are on a 5 year rotation: Astronomy (2017-2018), Chemistry and Physics,  Ecology and Zoology,  Botany, and Anatomy and Physiology.

Animal Biology II (2020-2021)

Prerequisite:  Biology 


Anatomy and Physiology (10th+) (offered in 2017-2018, not offered in 2019-2020)

Prerequisite:  Biology

Texts: Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 2011 Edition,  The Anatomy Coloring Book, by Wynn Kapit, 4th edition.

This is a comprehensive, college prep course practical for all motivated students, and of great benefit to those desiring to pursue the medical, health, and human sciences as a career.  Students will study the cell, tissues, and the ten systems of the human body.  Each class will consist of a lecture, discussion, and teacher supported homework and lab (to include dissection, blood typing, urine analysis, microscopy, blood pressure, heart rate, and more).  Quizzes and tests will be given and a significant amount of reading and homework will be expected due to the in-depth nature of this class  (plan for 45-60 minutes of homework, 4 days per week).    


Through the study of human anatomy and physiology students will begin to understand and admire the order, principles, beauty and the intricacy of God’s creation.  The ultimate outcome and response to studying science is to be more in awe of and enamored with His amazing creation while learning the detail and care the Almighty God put into the people he loves.

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