Modesty/Conduct Agreement
Our desire is to provide a fun, family-friendly, and Christ-honoring atmosphere, minimizing offense due to modesty concerns, music choices, and general behavior at this event.
By registering you are agreeing to the following:
Boys must wear formal attire; although it doesn’t have to be a tux, formal ware is required. Button-down shirts and dress slacks are required at a minimum. Sloppy clothing is not considered formal.
Keep the dresses formal and classy.
Dresses may be NO shorter than 2 inches from the top of the knee cap, including slits.
Tube dresses or two piece midriff exposing will not be permitted.
Dresses may not be cut below bra strap level in the back.
Straps are required. Remember to think of your own comfort when choosing your dress, so to avoid any uncomfortable situations. ALL cleavage will need to be covered.
If you are uncertain about the modesty of your clothing it is best to ask before you buy something. Feel free to contact: Gwen at
All this is to support the element of fun and dress in a way that displays beauty and modesty to ensure that clothing and appearance signify a desire to honor the Lord, and edify the community.
NOTE: If a student arrives at the event with clothing contrary to this agreement, they will be assisted in altering their clothing with tulle and duct tape or asked to choose from a box of alternative clothing. If appropriate clothing cannot be found or altered then the student will be asked to leave. We ask you save our staff the trouble of dealing with this issue by coming dressed with the above guidelines met.
No sexually explicit dancing will be permitted.
Students must stay in the large barn or other designated areas and are not permitted to loiter outside.
*Any illegal or immoral behavior during this Christ-honoring occasion is strictly prohibited. Anyone engaged in this type
of activity will be asked to leave and will not be allowed to attend in the future.